About Hair Transplants
Hair transplants are one option for those who have lost a significant amount of hair over time. This procedure removes balding-resistant hair follicles (such as those on the back and side of the head) and places them in the area that has lost the most hair. By experimenting with this treatment, it was discovered that it is the follicle itself that determines whether balding will take place, not where the follicle is located on the body. So, by moving the healthy hair growing follicles to bald areas of the head, the patient will no longer be bald.
How Hair Transplants are Preformed
By removing donor dominant hair follicles located in the fringe section (meaning the healthy follicles that are typically located on the sides and back of the head), and placing them to the frontal and top regions of the head, the patient can battle Hereditary Baldness. This operation known as a hair transplant is sometimes called hair plugs because the procedure involves removing the follicle or "plug" and placing in a new area of skin.During hair transplant surgery doctors take small plugs of hair, usually only a few hair follicles in a group (called grafts), and place many thousands of these on the bald areas of the head. This small grouping leads to a more natural appearance than was originally attained in early transplant procedures. A session typically lasts 5 to 10 hours and most people need at least a couple of sessions to achieve the results they are looking for. Some may even need many more, depending on the pattern and rate of baldness, the predicted rate of future balding, the colour of the hair in contrast to a person's skin, and how many grafts it will ultimately take to achieve a natural appearance.
Who Should Get Hair Transplants
Many people, including both men and women, who suffer from hereditary hair loss would make good candidates for hair transplants. There are, however, a few requirements that must be in place before a patient will experience success through grafting. The first, and most important, point is that the patient must have donor hair available for the transplant. If the person is nearly completely bald, it will be difficult to extract donor follicles to place in balding areas of the scalp.Another consideration for those contemplating hair transplants is the colour of hair, its texture, and the colour of the skin in contrast to the hair. This is simply for aesthetic purposes, but it may make the difference in deciding to have the surgery or not based on the ultimate results. Those with thicker, curly hair are more likely to be excellent candidates for hair transplants because the hair will cover more of the skin and it will look more natural. The bigger the contrast between the scalp and the hair, the more obvious the grafts will be, and many people would rather be bald than to have the surgery and end up with unflattering results.
The Details of Hair Transplant Surgery
One of the most important points to remember about hair transplants is that it is actually a surgery. The cost and the preparations fit accordingly. The price can vary depending on your hair situation, how many grafts or "plugs" you will need, as well as which surgeon you choose. Expect to pay approximately £3 per graft. Hundreds of grafts are often done in one session, with the ultimate completion often using thousands of grafts. Some doctors, however, charge by the session instead of the graft, but ultimately the price will be similar to those who charge per graft.Since the procedure is a type of surgery there are a few pre-surgery guidelines that you will need to follow. Quitting smoking for at least a week before the surgery is often recommended, and your doctor will tell you how to prepare for the surgery as far as eating and drinking. You will be required to give blood for preliminary tests and refrain from cutting your hair for a few weeks before the surgery (this makes it easier for the areas where hair is taken to be concealed). Usually it is an outpatient procedure, so there isn’t a hospital stay, but you will need someone to drive you home from surgery.
Hair transplants can be very effective for individuals facing Permanent Hair Loss. However, before undergoing any type of surgery, especially hair transplant surgery, you should carefully weigh all of the pros and cons.
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