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Coping With Hair Loss for Women

By: Jody Ehrhardt - Updated: 23 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Hair Loss Female Hair Loss Coping With

Hair loss, whether temporary or permanent, can be a very frustrating situation to deal with. Especially when the sufferer is female.

Although Male Hair Loss is emotionally draining, female hair loss is less accepted socially and less understood. Plus, the lack of sexy bald female role models, in comparison to the large numbers of male examples, makes dealing with hair loss in women doubly hard. Because of these social stigmas and situations, coping with hair loss for women takes a different approach.

Accepting Your Feelings about Hair Loss

The first step in coping with hair loss for women is accepting the initial feelings as normal and expected. When you first begin to notice hair loss or when you are preparing for it before Chemotherapy or other types of treatments, you may feel angry about the condition, upset about the Emotional And Physical Consequences and scared of the outcome or the thought of being bald. All of these feelings are expected, natural and normal. However, in order to better cope with hair loss, you need to accept these feelings and then begin moving past them.

There are many different approaches that you can take for coping with hair loss. However, for many women, preparation is the most effective. To begin this preparation you need to learn all of the Facts About Your Hair Loss and research ways that you can treat it, hide it or learn to live with it.

Learning about the Condition

Depending on the cause of the hair loss you are facing and whether it will be temporary or permanent, there are many positive things that you can learn about the condition. For example, if your hair loss is caused by chemotherapy or certain medications you can learn ways to deal with and reduce the severity of the hair loss while the condition is present and prepare yourself for the relief and feelings of happiness once your hair returns. If the hair loss is going to be permanent you can learn about ways to slow the progress of the hair loss, ways to replace the hair loss (such as Hair Transplants or Wigs), and ways to make the most of your hair while you still have it.

There are three main ways that you can learn about hair loss. First, check with your doctor for any information he or she may have about your condition. You can also ask for a referral to a doctor that specialises in the treatment of hair loss.

Next, head to your local library or bookstore and check out information about your particular condition and the hair loss that it causes. These books, papers and magazines can offer a wealth of information about reducing hair loss or coping with the condition.

Finally, ask your doctor, or check the Internet for local hair loss support groups. In these groups you can find answers to your hair loss questions, support for your feelings, true understanding and great advice for coping.

Once you have armed yourself with all of the facts, it is time to start working on your attitude about hair loss and working on coping methods.

Finding Ways to Cope and Deal With Hair Loss

The most important coping mechanism when it comes to dealing with female hair loss is acceptance. You are not defined by the beauty, fullness, or placement of your hair. Make a list of all of your great qualities and focus your energies on developing or celebrating those attributes.

Next, choose another physical attribute and focus your time on showcasing or improving that feature. If you have great eyes, celebrate their beauty by learning new make-up techniques that draw attention to your eyes and away from your hair. You could also make your wardrobe your focus and splurge on great fitting, high-quality clothes. Play up your other features and tone down the importance of your hair.

Another great way to accentuate the positive while hiding the negative is to be fitted for a wig or learn some beautiful scarf tying techniques. Even women with a great head of hair love to accessorise with scarves or change styles instantly with wigs. Put the focus on adding beauty not hiding it by exploring different hairstyles, hair colours and head accessories.

Improving Self-Image

After you have developed an arsenal of beautification techniques, you need to work on improving your self-image. If the loss of your hair is weakening your self-esteem, you need to talk to other women who have been through it, your spouse and your friends and family. By sharing your concerns and insecurities you can learn that your feelings are normal, that others do not place as much importance on your hair as you do, and that your hair, or lack of it, shouldn't be your main area of focus.

Dealing with hair loss is very emotionally draining. However, once you move through the process of fear, denial, anger and acceptance, you will find that you are better able to cope with your condition and you will feel like and be a better person for it. After all, bald can be beautiful!

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss in women can be caused by a number of factors. Read our articles Hair Loss And The Menopause and Hair Loss And Thyroid Problems for more information.

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Hi, I too believe that dealing with hair fall for females is tougher than males facing the same issue. A hair solution that works for both men and women is Parachute Advansed Therapie Hair Vitaliser which helps in controlling hair fall. This hair product makes the hair stronger and thicker in a few weeks. Massage it on your scalp atleast thrice a week and leave it on overnight and wash it off with a herbal shampoo. Moreover, drink 8-10 glasses of water, sleep well, exercise and eat right.
natashazariwala - 23-Mar-11 @ 11:53 AM
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